

The vision of the IMPACT is to provide an international platform for pleural disease research that has
global clinical impact which is relevant to patients.


to build an international network of researchers and experts in pleural disease to guide future research and clinical priorities to improve the life of people living with pleural disease globally

to establish the research priorities of patients suffering from pleural disease, to create a patient-centred approach to future pleural medicine research

to attract new researchers and clinicians to the field of pleural disease

to support and encourage early career researchers through involvement in network activities, and provide fellowship opportunities through network-funded projects

Phase 1 projects

1. Clinical characteristics of chylothorax: 
results from the International Collaborative Effusion (ICE) database
Summary: First multi-centre study of chylothorax and its associated outcomes, involving 12 sites across 9 countries contributed anonymised data on 77 patients.
2. Investigation and outcomes in patients with non-specific pleuritis
Results from the International Collaborative Effusion (ICE) database
Summary: First multi-centre study of non-specific pleuritis and its associated outcomes, involving 12 sites across 9 countries contributed anonymised data on 187 patients.
3. Clinical Characteristics of Non-Malignant Effusions: 
Results from the ERS International Collaborative Effusion (ICE) Database. DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2023.PA4437 [manuscript under review]
Summary: 15 sites in 10 countries reported anonymised, retrospective data from 2004-2021.
755 cases were analysed: 560 cardiac, 131 hepatic and 64 renal. 
4. Investigation and outcomes of eosinophilic effusions Status: 
A multicentre study of the clinical and pleural fluid characteristics of patients with pleural effusions which have significant eosinophilia.
5. Suspected drug-induced pleural effusions 
Status: Database open for submission and for new sites, please contact:

Phase 2 projects under construction

IMPACT will focus on the following topics in Phase 2:
1. International Research priorities and clinical practice in pleural medicine
Aim: to generate a list of critical research priorities in pleural medicine, which integrates the perspectives of both pleural disease experts and patients, and is representative of global needs. 
Design: a Delphi survey of global pleural experts and respiratory clinicians, and a survey of patients with pleural disease
2. Pleural infection: microbiology, interventions, antibiotics, intrapleural therapy and outcomes
Aim: to investigate the spectrum of causative organisms in pleural infection worldwide; to understand differences in management strategies. 
Design: A multicenter prospective snapshot study

3. Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax

Subtopics: drainage systems, chest tubes, autologous blood patch pleurodesis for persistent air leaks

Aim: to understand international practices and outcomes. 

Project plan still in development  

4. Pleural Malignancy
Subtopics: timing and choice of pleurodesis and indwelling pleural catheters, patients perspectives 
Aim: to understand international practices and outcomes, and patient experiences Project plan still in development
5. Recurrent pleural effusion
Subtopics: diagnostic pathways, CT and PET-CT, new diagnostic biomarkers, biobank
Aim: to understand international practices, identify new candidates for biomarkers, potentially establish biobank with international representation
Project plan still in development

Research Ethics

All research done by IMPACT will be in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and with relevant Research Ethics board approvals. Patient’s privacy will always be protected by collection of deidentified information.

Prospective data collection will be done with written informed consent from the patient or their guardian. All data will be stored electronically in secure password-protected locations and accessible only to people assigned to that specific project.

Authorship of any new  publications that arise from the work of IMPACT will be assigned according to COPE guidelines.