The vision of the IMPACT is to provide an international platform for pleural disease research that has
global clinical impact which is relevant to patients.
to build an international network of researchers and experts in pleural disease to guide future research and clinical priorities to improve the life of people living with pleural disease globally
to establish the research priorities of patients suffering from pleural disease, to create a patient-centred approach to future pleural medicine research
to attract new researchers and clinicians to the field of pleural disease
to support and encourage early career researchers through involvement in network activities, and provide fellowship opportunities through network-funded projects
Phase 1 projects
Phase 2 projects under construction
3. Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax:
Subtopics: drainage systems, chest tubes, autologous blood patch pleurodesis for persistent air leaks
Aim: to understand international practices and outcomes.
Project plan still in development
Research Ethics
All research done by IMPACT will be in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and with relevant Research Ethics board approvals. Patient’s privacy will always be protected by collection of deidentified information.
Prospective data collection will be done with written informed consent from the patient or their guardian. All data will be stored electronically in secure password-protected locations and accessible only to people assigned to that specific project.
Authorship of any new publications that arise from the work of IMPACT will be assigned according to COPE guidelines.